

Five Resources to Learn Natural Language Processing

There is a ton of material out there to learn from. But what resources to learn natural language processing are truly worth your time? Let’s look at five resources that will help you on your journey towards NLP!


Machine Learning with Keras and TensorFlow

We looked at PyTorch vs TensorFlow in depth. But what exactly is the difference between Keras and TensorFlow? And how do you implement Machine Learning projects in Keras and TensorFlow?


PyTorch vs TensorFlow in 2022

TensorFlow and PyTorch are two widely used frameworks for Deep Learning. But how to choose? Which performs better in which situation? Let’s see PyTorch vs TensorFlow in action!

How to Find a Coding Mentor

You want to improve your coding skills, but you feel stuck?
You don’t know how to get to the next level?
Here are four websites to find a Coding Mentor.


Natural Language Processing Roadmap – Part I: Data Science

In this three-part series, we will try to build a complete Natural Language Processing Roadmap. Think of this roadmap as your guide to go from young Padawan to Master Jedi! We will start with the basics – Programming and Data Science.